Sunday, July 26, 2009

Prayers for Baby Stellan

Hey Ya'll,
It's me once again! I'm here begging with all that I have to ask all of my friends and Bloggers to please help me and my family pray for a sweet friend of mine and her family. Who , has 4 VERY BEAUTIFUL children! With her Husband we'll refer to him as "Prince Charming"! All of the kids are under the age of 5 yrs. old. Their youngest Son , Who I'm going to refer to him as his nick name "MckMuffin" was born with a Heart Defect 8 Months ago, While in MckMama's Belly. Please, Pray for God and Jesus to either A.) Heal Baby "MckMuffin" ! - So that he can go home and be a Healthy and Happy Big Boy that we all know and love to pieces. Or B.) Let him peacefully & Painlessly go home to be in the arms of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Where he won't be suffering , Or No more dealing with SVT , No more I.V.'s! Just a Happy and Healthy Baby. We all Love you MckMama , Prince Charming , MckNugget , MckSmall Fry , And their oldest But, since I can't remember his "Nick Name" I will just refer to him as their 1st Born. And of course we can't forget MckMuffin himself! Anyway, I love you all! Thanks for your help! It's greatly appreciated by all of us! Have a nice week. Love Always , Randee

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Hey Everyone!
Man , Have I got some EXCITING NEWS to tell all of ya'll! And NO, Before I get any IM's , E -mails , or anything like that. Let me just clarify by saying this right now. That I've DEFINETLY NOT . . . . . A.) found a Boyfriend! , B.) I'm Not Getting Married. , C.) Nor am I expecting a HUMAN baby anytime soon !!!!

Although , I just found out about 10 minutes ago that I am a "NEW Mom # 2 " to a Beautiful Tannish looking Baby Boy Calf with a little White face. He's is so adorable!!! He's just about 1 - 2 days old now. He's still got the cord hanging from his Belly Button but it's drying up already!!! And "Mama Cow" is letting him nurse good. I'll let her do that since I don't have the "Right Number of Equipment" for me to do it myself if ya'll know what I mean! If something ever happens to Mama Cow except a Huge Bottle of course. . When Dad found him just a while ago he was in another part of the pasture and the Mama Cow and others were in the other part so Dad came in and got one of the HUGE Animal feeding Bottles and he fed him I'm guessing water from that. And then he picked him up and put him in his Truck and took him over to a large bunch of our other Cattle. To try to find Mama to feed him. Well , even after Dad fed him the WHOLE BIG BOTTLE of Whatever it was. The Baby still was able to nurse on Mama Cow after finding her. So , I'm so excited that I can't stand it! I'll try to post a photo later. Love Ya'll Lots! Have a great Day. Love Always , Randee

Monday, July 13, 2009


Hey Ya'll ,
There is a very Special Blogger Friend out there that has a Birthday today. Let me see if I can give you some hints to Who this person is . Well , Here it goes . . . . . 1.) She started the " NOT ME MONDAYS" blogs. So that people around the world that reads her blogs every week can be brutally Honest with us all and say what they "Didn't" do each Monday!!!! 2.) She is Married to "Prince Charming" 3.) They have 4 Beautiful Many Small Children that their "Nick names" are from McDonalds Menus . . . IF you've guessed that it's None other than "MckMama" Then , your so Correct! MckMama, I hope that your Special day was packed with LOTS of Love and Laughter . . . . And , Of course YUMMY Cake too! I love you and all of your Family very much . Stellan is still in my thoughts and prayers as he is in all of my families thoughts and prayers every morning , Noon , Night. Love Randee


Hey Ya'll ,
I wanted to come by and wish my Dear Sweet "Cousin - In - Law" , Jason Amaro a very Happy Birthday today Dude! No people , I'm NOT revealing his age . . . . . For 2 reason's. 1.) He'd probably jokingly Shoot me! 2.) I don't really know his real age! But, If I had to guess . . . I think . . . I'm gonna say is I think he's around . . . " Mid - Late 20's is my guess !!!! " So , Happy Birthday Dude! I love you so much ! Yes, Feel FREE to jokingly of course "Shoot me" the next time that you see me If you want If my guess above is wrong . . . But, I do know your just a few yrs. older than I am. Once Again , I love you Bud. Have some Cake AND A FEW BEERS FOR ME ! ! ! (Yes , your reading this right! I Did say "Have a FEW BEERS for me! ) Love , Randee