Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, November 23, 2009
Another Update on My Uncle Don ~
Hello All ,
For those that don't know yet. My Mom's older Brother , Don Miller has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , My Dad is up at the Hospital with Don. But , All of course all of his Neices & Nephews affectionetly call him "Uncle Don". He has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , it has spread into his Lymph Nodes. Things are not improving. He's much weaker . His blood platelets count is very low so they are limited to treatments that would pose less threat of heavy bleeding. Looks like chemo / radiation etc. are no longer options and the best way to help him is to try to keep him as comfortable as possible. We are still requesting prayers for him and his family and trust God will do what is best for them. He is a gracious and loving father and we know that we can trust his Goodness and Mercy. Thank you to all who are praying for all of us. You give us strength when we have none of our own; You help give us courage to face our dissappointments ; And you give us love to sustain us. We are truly blessed. We'll update again as we learn more information.
Ya'll ,
I really thank you from the bottom of my heart. On behalf of The Miller Family. Thank you so much for coming here and reading all of my posts that I write. Some like this one , Maybe serious, And some others maybe strictly out of Pure BOREDOM!!!!! Or , I just feel like talking ...... Yeah , I know what ya'll are all thinking. " When , does Randee ever NOT feel like talking ??? . . . . Yeah , I know what your thinking . . . . Well, I love ya all to pieces.
Hey Ya'll ,
Dad just called us and told us some very grim news. As of earlier this afternoon. Uncle Don has been throwing up what Dad said look like Black stomache stuff. So, they are getting him all ready. Just in case. You know getting papers signed saying if he passed out or something and he stops breathing. Do not resesitate him. So , more than likely he will go on to his new home up in the clouds sometime tonight or in the morning if that! But, I really think it'll be sooner then they all think. I just have a gut feeling. So once again thanks to all of you for your continued Prayers. We all appreciate it a bunch. I think I speak on behalf of The Entire Miller Family. Love ya'll bunches. I just can't tell ya'll that enough. We'll get through this. It'll take some time. But , We will get through this. I told my Mom! oh about 30 0r so minutes ago or so . That , I think when Uncle Don does die. I think that the Angel that comes for him either tonight or tomorrow will more then likely be his Father , Owen Miller , who died 5 yrs. ago with Bladdar Cancer. For all that don't know . . . . Don is My Grandparents , Owen & Frances has 3 Wonderful ALL Grown up Kids. 1st came a Son, Who is so dear to my heart. He has a singing voice like a Angel! , Donald Eugene Miller , Then came # 2 My Beautiful & So very dear to my heart also , my Mother , Donna Elaine (Miller) McCaghren , Who also like her Brothers has a singing voice like a Angel! , # 3 is another wonderful Son , Uncle Gary Paul Miller. Who , is also so Dear to my heart. I just love them all to pieces.
Hey All ,
It's with great sadness & happiness in a away I guess that I've come here today to post that Don Eugene Miller is now free and Flying like an Angel! He passed away at 11:15 A . M . we all are of course sad that he's no longer here on this Beautiful Earth. But, we are so glad that he's no longer in pain or suffering. And He's with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ & also His Earthly Father that like I stated in one of the posts above , Died some where around 5 yrs. ago. But, neither one of them are hurting anymore. Thanks for all the Love and support that ya'll have shown to my family. We appreciate it. Love Always , Randee
For those that don't know yet. My Mom's older Brother , Don Miller has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , My Dad is up at the Hospital with Don. But , All of course all of his Neices & Nephews affectionetly call him "Uncle Don". He has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , it has spread into his Lymph Nodes. Things are not improving. He's much weaker . His blood platelets count is very low so they are limited to treatments that would pose less threat of heavy bleeding. Looks like chemo / radiation etc. are no longer options and the best way to help him is to try to keep him as comfortable as possible. We are still requesting prayers for him and his family and trust God will do what is best for them. He is a gracious and loving father and we know that we can trust his Goodness and Mercy. Thank you to all who are praying for all of us. You give us strength when we have none of our own; You help give us courage to face our dissappointments ; And you give us love to sustain us. We are truly blessed. We'll update again as we learn more information.
Ya'll ,
I really thank you from the bottom of my heart. On behalf of The Miller Family. Thank you so much for coming here and reading all of my posts that I write. Some like this one , Maybe serious, And some others maybe strictly out of Pure BOREDOM!!!!! Or , I just feel like talking ...... Yeah , I know what ya'll are all thinking. " When , does Randee ever NOT feel like talking ??? . . . . Yeah , I know what your thinking . . . . Well, I love ya all to pieces.
Hey Ya'll ,
Dad just called us and told us some very grim news. As of earlier this afternoon. Uncle Don has been throwing up what Dad said look like Black stomache stuff. So, they are getting him all ready. Just in case. You know getting papers signed saying if he passed out or something and he stops breathing. Do not resesitate him. So , more than likely he will go on to his new home up in the clouds sometime tonight or in the morning if that! But, I really think it'll be sooner then they all think. I just have a gut feeling. So once again thanks to all of you for your continued Prayers. We all appreciate it a bunch. I think I speak on behalf of The Entire Miller Family. Love ya'll bunches. I just can't tell ya'll that enough. We'll get through this. It'll take some time. But , We will get through this. I told my Mom! oh about 30 0r so minutes ago or so . That , I think when Uncle Don does die. I think that the Angel that comes for him either tonight or tomorrow will more then likely be his Father , Owen Miller , who died 5 yrs. ago with Bladdar Cancer. For all that don't know . . . . Don is My Grandparents , Owen & Frances has 3 Wonderful ALL Grown up Kids. 1st came a Son, Who is so dear to my heart. He has a singing voice like a Angel! , Donald Eugene Miller , Then came # 2 My Beautiful & So very dear to my heart also , my Mother , Donna Elaine (Miller) McCaghren , Who also like her Brothers has a singing voice like a Angel! , # 3 is another wonderful Son , Uncle Gary Paul Miller. Who , is also so Dear to my heart. I just love them all to pieces.
Hey All ,
It's with great sadness & happiness in a away I guess that I've come here today to post that Don Eugene Miller is now free and Flying like an Angel! He passed away at 11:15 A . M . we all are of course sad that he's no longer here on this Beautiful Earth. But, we are so glad that he's no longer in pain or suffering. And He's with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ & also His Earthly Father that like I stated in one of the posts above , Died some where around 5 yrs. ago. But, neither one of them are hurting anymore. Thanks for all the Love and support that ya'll have shown to my family. We appreciate it. Love Always , Randee
Friday, November 20, 2009
This is Our sweet Dog Apollo

Hello All, I wanted to take this time to introduce ya'll to my Family's Sweet Great Pyreneese Dog named "Apollo" , Seen in the photo above with My Dad , Apollo's Buddy other buddy other than "Daphne " , "Badger" , "Maggie" and all the other animals he's lived around since becoming Our Pet. He's the most Loveable " Big Teddy Bear " you'll ever see. He can be all up in your face begging for food or Loving or he can take down anything that tries to fight him. He 's been in 2 Fights that we know of. The 1st one. He was gone " Visiting" we'll say. And he was gone maybe not a full week. But he came back Covered in his Oponet's Blood! No cuts or anything on Apollo on that one. But , what ever he caught he fought it until it was DEAD! the 2nd time was just before Halloween of this yr. He was gone "visiting" again for 3 whole weeks this time. He came back , You guys , He looked like he'd not eatten or had anything to drink in a week or 2. And , also he got into a fight with what the Vet said might have been a Raccoon .... Well, The Raccoon took 2 big bites or scratches on either side of his nose. His left side had even punctured some of Apollo's Sinuses. But, He stayed over night and had repair surgery. And had 3 whole weeks in our Utility Room. To make sure he didn't scratch and rip out his sutures. And then 2 or 3 weeks ago he had more surgery so he CAN'T Impregnant every Female Dog in our area. But, now he's in a Huge Kennel out side my bedroom window. with "Badger" sleeping on the out side of the Kennel right by the door so he can keep his Uncle Company. Anyway. I just wanted to show you what My Pretty Boy looks like. I sure do love my Sweet Apollo
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hi All,
I came here asking for all of you guys and gals . Even y'all that don't know me or him very well to please add my Uncle Don to your prayer lists. Today he was Diagnosed with the big one ..... CANCER! The thing that took the wonderful life of his Father 5 yrs. ago last month. But, now it's down in his Lymph nodes .... I know I probably didn't spell some words right. But, Hey I'm only human! I'm just scared for him , My Aunt , and Cousins. He means the world to all of us. And , it just scares me. Even though we've been through this 5 yrs. ago with my Grandpa. I love you all. Thanks for listening!
I came here asking for all of you guys and gals . Even y'all that don't know me or him very well to please add my Uncle Don to your prayer lists. Today he was Diagnosed with the big one ..... CANCER! The thing that took the wonderful life of his Father 5 yrs. ago last month. But, now it's down in his Lymph nodes .... I know I probably didn't spell some words right. But, Hey I'm only human! I'm just scared for him , My Aunt , and Cousins. He means the world to all of us. And , it just scares me. Even though we've been through this 5 yrs. ago with my Grandpa. I love you all. Thanks for listening!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Hello Everyone,
Long time no "Type" , I know! I've been M . I . A for quite a while now. I've just been around the house trying to spend more time with my family. Rather than stay on the computer all day like I used to do. Today is a very special day for a " Very Special Person" in my life. Today is my sweet & loving & sometimes Crazy ... (In a GOOD way of course!) Father 's Birthday. So , I want to say a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I will ALWAYS Love you! I promise! Here's to Many MORE Birthdays to come your way. I tell you, God blessed me with a very good and yet sometimes GOOFY Father. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. You make my like more fun to live. You make me laugh til I cry. Acidently and on perpose sometimes. But , I love you anyway. Thank You again for being my Dad. Love Always , " Your Baby Girl " - Randee
Long time no "Type" , I know! I've been M . I . A for quite a while now. I've just been around the house trying to spend more time with my family. Rather than stay on the computer all day like I used to do. Today is a very special day for a " Very Special Person" in my life. Today is my sweet & loving & sometimes Crazy ... (In a GOOD way of course!) Father 's Birthday. So , I want to say a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I will ALWAYS Love you! I promise! Here's to Many MORE Birthdays to come your way. I tell you, God blessed me with a very good and yet sometimes GOOFY Father. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. You make my like more fun to live. You make me laugh til I cry. Acidently and on perpose sometimes. But , I love you anyway. Thank You again for being my Dad. Love Always , " Your Baby Girl " - Randee
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Prayers for Baby Stellan
Hey Ya'll,
It's me once again! I'm here begging with all that I have to ask all of my friends and Bloggers to please help me and my family pray for a sweet friend of mine and her family. Who , has 4 VERY BEAUTIFUL children! With her Husband we'll refer to him as "Prince Charming"! All of the kids are under the age of 5 yrs. old. Their youngest Son , Who I'm going to refer to him as his nick name "MckMuffin" was born with a Heart Defect 8 Months ago, While in MckMama's Belly. Please, Pray for God and Jesus to either A.) Heal Baby "MckMuffin" ! - So that he can go home and be a Healthy and Happy Big Boy that we all know and love to pieces. Or B.) Let him peacefully & Painlessly go home to be in the arms of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Where he won't be suffering , Or No more dealing with SVT , No more I.V.'s! Just a Happy and Healthy Baby. We all Love you MckMama , Prince Charming , MckNugget , MckSmall Fry , And their oldest But, since I can't remember his "Nick Name" I will just refer to him as their 1st Born. And of course we can't forget MckMuffin himself! Anyway, I love you all! Thanks for your help! It's greatly appreciated by all of us! Have a nice week. Love Always , Randee
It's me once again! I'm here begging with all that I have to ask all of my friends and Bloggers to please help me and my family pray for a sweet friend of mine and her family. Who , has 4 VERY BEAUTIFUL children! With her Husband we'll refer to him as "Prince Charming"! All of the kids are under the age of 5 yrs. old. Their youngest Son , Who I'm going to refer to him as his nick name "MckMuffin" was born with a Heart Defect 8 Months ago, While in MckMama's Belly. Please, Pray for God and Jesus to either A.) Heal Baby "MckMuffin" ! - So that he can go home and be a Healthy and Happy Big Boy that we all know and love to pieces. Or B.) Let him peacefully & Painlessly go home to be in the arms of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Where he won't be suffering , Or No more dealing with SVT , No more I.V.'s! Just a Happy and Healthy Baby. We all Love you MckMama , Prince Charming , MckNugget , MckSmall Fry , And their oldest But, since I can't remember his "Nick Name" I will just refer to him as their 1st Born. And of course we can't forget MckMuffin himself! Anyway, I love you all! Thanks for your help! It's greatly appreciated by all of us! Have a nice week. Love Always , Randee
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Hey Everyone!
Man , Have I got some EXCITING NEWS to tell all of ya'll! And NO, Before I get any IM's , E -mails , or anything like that. Let me just clarify by saying this right now. That I've DEFINETLY NOT . . . . . A.) found a Boyfriend! , B.) I'm Not Getting Married. , C.) Nor am I expecting a HUMAN baby anytime soon !!!!
Although , I just found out about 10 minutes ago that I am a "NEW Mom # 2 " to a Beautiful Tannish looking Baby Boy Calf with a little White face. He's is so adorable!!! He's just about 1 - 2 days old now. He's still got the cord hanging from his Belly Button but it's drying up already!!! And "Mama Cow" is letting him nurse good. I'll let her do that since I don't have the "Right Number of Equipment" for me to do it myself if ya'll know what I mean! If something ever happens to Mama Cow except a Huge Bottle of course. . When Dad found him just a while ago he was in another part of the pasture and the Mama Cow and others were in the other part so Dad came in and got one of the HUGE Animal feeding Bottles and he fed him I'm guessing water from that. And then he picked him up and put him in his Truck and took him over to a large bunch of our other Cattle. To try to find Mama to feed him. Well , even after Dad fed him the WHOLE BIG BOTTLE of Whatever it was. The Baby still was able to nurse on Mama Cow after finding her. So , I'm so excited that I can't stand it! I'll try to post a photo later. Love Ya'll Lots! Have a great Day. Love Always , Randee
Man , Have I got some EXCITING NEWS to tell all of ya'll! And NO, Before I get any IM's , E -mails , or anything like that. Let me just clarify by saying this right now. That I've DEFINETLY NOT . . . . . A.) found a Boyfriend! , B.) I'm Not Getting Married. , C.) Nor am I expecting a HUMAN baby anytime soon !!!!
Although , I just found out about 10 minutes ago that I am a "NEW Mom # 2 " to a Beautiful Tannish looking Baby Boy Calf with a little White face. He's is so adorable!!! He's just about 1 - 2 days old now. He's still got the cord hanging from his Belly Button but it's drying up already!!! And "Mama Cow" is letting him nurse good. I'll let her do that since I don't have the "Right Number of Equipment" for me to do it myself if ya'll know what I mean! If something ever happens to Mama Cow except a Huge Bottle of course. . When Dad found him just a while ago he was in another part of the pasture and the Mama Cow and others were in the other part so Dad came in and got one of the HUGE Animal feeding Bottles and he fed him I'm guessing water from that. And then he picked him up and put him in his Truck and took him over to a large bunch of our other Cattle. To try to find Mama to feed him. Well , even after Dad fed him the WHOLE BIG BOTTLE of Whatever it was. The Baby still was able to nurse on Mama Cow after finding her. So , I'm so excited that I can't stand it! I'll try to post a photo later. Love Ya'll Lots! Have a great Day. Love Always , Randee
Monday, July 13, 2009
Hey Ya'll ,
There is a very Special Blogger Friend out there that has a Birthday today. Let me see if I can give you some hints to Who this person is . Well , Here it goes . . . . . 1.) She started the " NOT ME MONDAYS" blogs. So that people around the world that reads her blogs every week can be brutally Honest with us all and say what they "Didn't" do each Monday!!!! 2.) She is Married to "Prince Charming" 3.) They have 4 Beautiful Many Small Children that their "Nick names" are from McDonalds Menus . . . IF you've guessed that it's None other than "MckMama" Then , your so Correct! MckMama, I hope that your Special day was packed with LOTS of Love and Laughter . . . . And , Of course YUMMY Cake too! I love you and all of your Family very much . Stellan is still in my thoughts and prayers as he is in all of my families thoughts and prayers every morning , Noon , Night. Love Randee
There is a very Special Blogger Friend out there that has a Birthday today. Let me see if I can give you some hints to Who this person is . Well , Here it goes . . . . . 1.) She started the " NOT ME MONDAYS" blogs. So that people around the world that reads her blogs every week can be brutally Honest with us all and say what they "Didn't" do each Monday!!!! 2.) She is Married to "Prince Charming" 3.) They have 4 Beautiful Many Small Children that their "Nick names" are from McDonalds Menus . . . IF you've guessed that it's None other than "MckMama" Then , your so Correct! MckMama, I hope that your Special day was packed with LOTS of Love and Laughter . . . . And , Of course YUMMY Cake too! I love you and all of your Family very much . Stellan is still in my thoughts and prayers as he is in all of my families thoughts and prayers every morning , Noon , Night. Love Randee
Hey Ya'll ,
I wanted to come by and wish my Dear Sweet "Cousin - In - Law" , Jason Amaro a very Happy Birthday today Dude! No people , I'm NOT revealing his age . . . . . For 2 reason's. 1.) He'd probably jokingly Shoot me! 2.) I don't really know his real age! But, If I had to guess . . . I think . . . I'm gonna say is I think he's around . . . " Mid - Late 20's is my guess !!!! " So , Happy Birthday Dude! I love you so much ! Yes, Feel FREE to jokingly of course "Shoot me" the next time that you see me If you want If my guess above is wrong . . . But, I do know your just a few yrs. older than I am. Once Again , I love you Bud. Have some Cake AND A FEW BEERS FOR ME ! ! ! (Yes , your reading this right! I Did say "Have a FEW BEERS for me! ) Love , Randee
I wanted to come by and wish my Dear Sweet "Cousin - In - Law" , Jason Amaro a very Happy Birthday today Dude! No people , I'm NOT revealing his age . . . . . For 2 reason's. 1.) He'd probably jokingly Shoot me! 2.) I don't really know his real age! But, If I had to guess . . . I think . . . I'm gonna say is I think he's around . . . " Mid - Late 20's is my guess !!!! " So , Happy Birthday Dude! I love you so much ! Yes, Feel FREE to jokingly of course "Shoot me" the next time that you see me If you want If my guess above is wrong . . . But, I do know your just a few yrs. older than I am. Once Again , I love you Bud. Have some Cake AND A FEW BEERS FOR ME ! ! ! (Yes , your reading this right! I Did say "Have a FEW BEERS for me! ) Love , Randee
Thursday, June 25, 2009
R . I . P to "Charlie's Angels Star Farrah Fawcett & Michael Jackson
And yes , I'm sure that all of ya'll have heard by now if you are either watching any news channels or reading on the internet or this post. That , Mr. Ed McMahon , Host of "Star Search " died yesterday He was 86 yrs. old. , Then , this morning "Charlie's Angels" Actress , Ms. Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with Cancer @ 9:28 A . M . she was 62 yrs. old and about to get married to her beau of 30 something yrs. . This afternoon , Singer A . K . A " The King of Pop " Mr. Michael Jackson has died at the UCLA Hospital in Los Angeles , CA. They pronounced him dead 2 hrs. ago. R . I . P All 3 of you! All of the families effected by these deaths will be in my thoughts and prayers. Love Randee
Monday, June 15, 2009
Please pray for Mr. Kenneth Ballard
Hello Everyone ,
I'm coming here to ask all of my Family and Friends to please keep my Cousin , Chelsea (McCaghren) Ballard 's Husband , Kenneth in your thoughts and prayers. He was here in TX either bringing some horses to a Horse holding place here in TX. Or he was taking some home to Arkansas alone yesterday afternoon and started feeling sick while on the road. Well , He pulls over on the side of the road. And he calls 911 and the Dispature sent out a man who checked Kenneth's Blood Presure and sees it's too high. The Wonderful man decides to call for an Ambulance for Mr. Kenneth since Mr. Kenneth was complaining that his left Shoulder hurt and he felt sick . So , Then Mr. Kenneth calls Chelsea back in AR. To let us know. And she calls my Dad here at home . He eats real quick. And , I'm talking only 4 - 5 bites of Salad . Then , Thankfully My Brother , Josh walks in just in time to stay with me so Mom and Dad can head out the door. They get there and see him The Dr.'s in Greenville gave him so much meds that we couldn't believe it. By this point Mr. Kenneth's panicing to where both Mom and Dad thought that Mr. Kenneth wouldn't recognize either one of them. I mean it's been 2 years since we've seen either one Mr. Kenneth or Chelsea. But , I'm so thankful that Mr. Kenneth did recognize Mom and Dad off the bat. The Dr. 's do a few tests to see what they could find. Then , My Mom leaves to come back home for the night. They finally decide that my Dad , Mr. Kenneth and all needed to be transported by Care Flight to Dallas's Baylor Medical Center. As they get off of the Helicopter , The Dr. 's & Nurses are waiting at the door on their arrival to do a "Heart Cath" immediently on Mr. Kenneth! Then after that Mr. Kenneth was sent up to a room to rest for the night where the Nurses could watch him over night. Dad stayed there all night with Mr. Kenneth so if he needed something right away , Dad could go get a Nurse or Dr. if need be. This morning around 2:45 a.m. - 3:01 a.m. Chelsea, Kenneth's Wife , and a Co - Worker / Friend walk in . Well , this morning when Mom and I got up. Mom and I hussel around the House to get ready to go visit a bit and Pick Dad up. And , Like Emeril Lagossi , "BAM!" We are on the road to to the Hospital and also to pick Dad up since Mom had the Van to get back home in . And , As of this afternoon. The Dr. came in and told Mr. Kenneth that their was nothing wrong with his heart , Blood Pressure came back down after this morning 's ordeal. And was sent home. And , YES! As in all the way back to Arkansas with his Wife , Co - Worker /Friend . He was ordered to see his Dr. sometime this week to take pills as needed.
I'm coming here to ask all of my Family and Friends to please keep my Cousin , Chelsea (McCaghren) Ballard 's Husband , Kenneth in your thoughts and prayers. He was here in TX either bringing some horses to a Horse holding place here in TX. Or he was taking some home to Arkansas alone yesterday afternoon and started feeling sick while on the road. Well , He pulls over on the side of the road. And he calls 911 and the Dispature sent out a man who checked Kenneth's Blood Presure and sees it's too high. The Wonderful man decides to call for an Ambulance for Mr. Kenneth since Mr. Kenneth was complaining that his left Shoulder hurt and he felt sick . So , Then Mr. Kenneth calls Chelsea back in AR. To let us know. And she calls my Dad here at home . He eats real quick. And , I'm talking only 4 - 5 bites of Salad . Then , Thankfully My Brother , Josh walks in just in time to stay with me so Mom and Dad can head out the door. They get there and see him The Dr.'s in Greenville gave him so much meds that we couldn't believe it. By this point Mr. Kenneth's panicing to where both Mom and Dad thought that Mr. Kenneth wouldn't recognize either one of them. I mean it's been 2 years since we've seen either one Mr. Kenneth or Chelsea. But , I'm so thankful that Mr. Kenneth did recognize Mom and Dad off the bat. The Dr. 's do a few tests to see what they could find. Then , My Mom leaves to come back home for the night. They finally decide that my Dad , Mr. Kenneth and all needed to be transported by Care Flight to Dallas's Baylor Medical Center. As they get off of the Helicopter , The Dr. 's & Nurses are waiting at the door on their arrival to do a "Heart Cath" immediently on Mr. Kenneth! Then after that Mr. Kenneth was sent up to a room to rest for the night where the Nurses could watch him over night. Dad stayed there all night with Mr. Kenneth so if he needed something right away , Dad could go get a Nurse or Dr. if need be. This morning around 2:45 a.m. - 3:01 a.m. Chelsea, Kenneth's Wife , and a Co - Worker / Friend walk in . Well , this morning when Mom and I got up. Mom and I hussel around the House to get ready to go visit a bit and Pick Dad up. And , Like Emeril Lagossi , "BAM!" We are on the road to to the Hospital and also to pick Dad up since Mom had the Van to get back home in . And , As of this afternoon. The Dr. came in and told Mr. Kenneth that their was nothing wrong with his heart , Blood Pressure came back down after this morning 's ordeal. And was sent home. And , YES! As in all the way back to Arkansas with his Wife , Co - Worker /Friend . He was ordered to see his Dr. sometime this week to take pills as needed.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hey Ya'll,
I just wanted to let ya'll know that my family and I are back from Oklahoma. We got back home Sunday evening in time for it to start storming. But , we all had a good time while we were their. Like I posted in the one before this one. My Cousin , Hannah Pike Graduated 1 week ago today. We are all so very proud of her and all she does. She's such a good kid. Now, I'm not saying that Jessica and Aidan arn't good kids too. Because they are very good kids. I just love all of them to pieces. And , I miss them already. Once again , Hannah , I'm so proud of you sweetheart. You sure looked so Beautiful the night of your Graduation in what I liked to call it your "Taylor Swift Sun Dress!"
I just wanted to let ya'll know that my family and I are back from Oklahoma. We got back home Sunday evening in time for it to start storming. But , we all had a good time while we were their. Like I posted in the one before this one. My Cousin , Hannah Pike Graduated 1 week ago today. We are all so very proud of her and all she does. She's such a good kid. Now, I'm not saying that Jessica and Aidan arn't good kids too. Because they are very good kids. I just love all of them to pieces. And , I miss them already. Once again , Hannah , I'm so proud of you sweetheart. You sure looked so Beautiful the night of your Graduation in what I liked to call it your "Taylor Swift Sun Dress!"
Friday, May 22, 2009
We are in Tulsa , OK until Sunday or so
Hello Everyone ,
I am now blogging from my Wonderful Aunt Betty & Wonderful Uncle Dan 's house in Tulsa , OK . We're here for my Cousin Rhonda 's Daughter , Hannah Marie 's High School Graduation which was held at their church last night . It was a great and Beautiful Graduation . It was alot COLDER in the Church Auditorium this time around then it was 2 years ago. When her Older sister , Jessica Danielle Graduated High School . Now, we have 11 yrs. or so until their Little Brother , Aidan has his High School Graduation . So , I just wanted to let everyone know that I've not " Fallin' off the Earth" so to speak. I just want Hannah to know how VERY proud I am of you in all of your accomplishments. You are such a sweet and Beautiful Girl inside and out. You have such a Beautiful Soul. And , I do and ALWAYS will LOVE YOU! If you ever are in a "Slump" Get Jessica or your Mom to get my Cell #! Don't ever hesitate to call me Day OR Night. Once Again , I love you. Love Always , Randee Danielle McCaghren ( Jessica & Yours & Aidan's FAVORITE COUSIN, Randee
I am now blogging from my Wonderful Aunt Betty & Wonderful Uncle Dan 's house in Tulsa , OK . We're here for my Cousin Rhonda 's Daughter , Hannah Marie 's High School Graduation which was held at their church last night . It was a great and Beautiful Graduation . It was alot COLDER in the Church Auditorium this time around then it was 2 years ago. When her Older sister , Jessica Danielle Graduated High School . Now, we have 11 yrs. or so until their Little Brother , Aidan has his High School Graduation . So , I just wanted to let everyone know that I've not " Fallin' off the Earth" so to speak. I just want Hannah to know how VERY proud I am of you in all of your accomplishments. You are such a sweet and Beautiful Girl inside and out. You have such a Beautiful Soul. And , I do and ALWAYS will LOVE YOU! If you ever are in a "Slump" Get Jessica or your Mom to get my Cell #! Don't ever hesitate to call me Day OR Night. Once Again , I love you. Love Always , Randee Danielle McCaghren ( Jessica & Yours & Aidan's FAVORITE COUSIN, Randee
Saturday, May 16, 2009
I'm 24
Hey Ya'll,
It's me, "The Birthday Girl" here. Ok, Yes Ladies and Gentleman. I'm here to report that I'm finally able to tell people that yesterday Friday, May 15 , 2009. I, Randee Danielle McCaghren. Has turned 24 years old now! I'm so incredably EXCITED to finally be able to tell all of "My Homies" that I'm now offically 24 yrs. old! I've offically entered "ADULTHOOD!" I know other people say that when you turn 18 years old. Your their! No , not this chick. I wanted to stay "A Kid" Just a little bit longer! So, yesterday afternoon , My Parents & I went and got my hair done. Now, People, When I say "Get my hair done" I mean Cut and Colored all in the same day. I NO LONGER have "LONG Brunette / Red hair". It's Cut SHORT just like TLC's Kate Gosslin , The Mom of Twin Girls Cara and Madelyn, and 6 Little ones Collin , Aidan , Joel , Alexis , Hannah , Leah . And we can't forget her Husband, Jon. "Jon & Kate + 8" Red hair with Alburn High Lights in it. "We" , Meaning the lady who did the cutting copied off the recent People Magazine with Kate on the cover. But, I like it so far. I still think some needs to come off around the ears. Because Kate always has the right side in her right eye almost. And , the left side is short. But, I'm kinda glad that we stopped when she did. Because, I was litterally getting cross eyed and hungry too. From sitting there during the Hair cut and the Coloring processes. Next time I'm taking a book and a snack or something. Because , I know from this LONG experience that I'm gonna NEED it. Oh , My Mom got a Hair do of her own too. then , we met Joshua at "Los Mochis" here in Commerce , TX. Then we got to go see all but the last I'm guessing 15 minutes of Matthew McConughey & Jennifer Garner , Micheal Douglas 's latetest movie "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" Which was for the most part CUTE! I mean Come On Ladies . . . And , NO Ladies Matthew doesn't get Shirtless in this movie... It's Matthew McConughey!!! So, It was a good movie we are home now. And , I'm heading to bed now. I hope everyone has a good week. And I probably won't do another post until Monday or so. I love you all. Thank You to some of you for My Birthday Wishes! I appreciate them all. Love Ya Always , Randee
It's me, "The Birthday Girl" here. Ok, Yes Ladies and Gentleman. I'm here to report that I'm finally able to tell people that yesterday Friday, May 15 , 2009. I, Randee Danielle McCaghren. Has turned 24 years old now! I'm so incredably EXCITED to finally be able to tell all of "My Homies" that I'm now offically 24 yrs. old! I've offically entered "ADULTHOOD!" I know other people say that when you turn 18 years old. Your their! No , not this chick. I wanted to stay "A Kid" Just a little bit longer! So, yesterday afternoon , My Parents & I went and got my hair done. Now, People, When I say "Get my hair done" I mean Cut and Colored all in the same day. I NO LONGER have "LONG Brunette / Red hair". It's Cut SHORT just like TLC's Kate Gosslin , The Mom of Twin Girls Cara and Madelyn, and 6 Little ones Collin , Aidan , Joel , Alexis , Hannah , Leah . And we can't forget her Husband, Jon. "Jon & Kate + 8" Red hair with Alburn High Lights in it. "We" , Meaning the lady who did the cutting copied off the recent People Magazine with Kate on the cover. But, I like it so far. I still think some needs to come off around the ears. Because Kate always has the right side in her right eye almost. And , the left side is short. But, I'm kinda glad that we stopped when she did. Because, I was litterally getting cross eyed and hungry too. From sitting there during the Hair cut and the Coloring processes. Next time I'm taking a book and a snack or something. Because , I know from this LONG experience that I'm gonna NEED it. Oh , My Mom got a Hair do of her own too. then , we met Joshua at "Los Mochis" here in Commerce , TX. Then we got to go see all but the last I'm guessing 15 minutes of Matthew McConughey & Jennifer Garner , Micheal Douglas 's latetest movie "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" Which was for the most part CUTE! I mean Come On Ladies . . . And , NO Ladies Matthew doesn't get Shirtless in this movie... It's Matthew McConughey!!! So, It was a good movie we are home now. And , I'm heading to bed now. I hope everyone has a good week. And I probably won't do another post until Monday or so. I love you all. Thank You to some of you for My Birthday Wishes! I appreciate them all. Love Ya Always , Randee
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
R . I . P Kayleigh Ann Freedman June 23, 2008 - May 11 , 2009
Hello Everyone ,
OK , for those who haven't heard the sad news yet . . . Ladies you MIGHT wanna grab some Kleenexes before reading any farther. The news is that 11 month old Little Kayleigh Ann Freedman , Better known to the blogging world as "Baby Kayleigh" died lastnight in her Hospital Bed in the NICU at 9:44 P. M . I'm guessing that she died in her sleep . She left behind her Daddy & Mommy to take care of her older sister & older brother . Even though she is gone from this life . Little Kayleigh still lives on in her Mommy 's & Daddy 's and her older Sister 's & her older Brother's Hearts. And also in all of the hearts of the strangers around the world who loved to go to her parents Blogs to get to know and read about her life with family . I can tell you right now that my heart is still breaking for her family. To The Freedman Family , Like I said above , My heart goes out to you guys and gals ! Just know that Kayleigh is in a better place now . She's in NO Pain what - so - ever ! She's a Happy Camper ! NOT saying that she wasn't Happy down here on Earth. I 'm saying that she is Happy to be with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . And , You'll be with her again soon. And , I hope that I'm not gonna step on anyones toes here. But , to the Kids . I have a solution for you 2 if you get sad and you miss her at night and all . Maybe if it's alright with your Mom & Dad maybe if some of her stuff isn't already packed and ready for the move . Maybe you each can pick something out like a blanket Kayleigh got to use to keep as a keep sake . And also , I've found that in the room where one of my loved ones who has now died slept . I always sleep on that person's (Both Grandpa's) side of their beds when I'm over . Maybe , if it's ok with your parents ask them if maybe this Friday or this Saturday night one or both or all of ya could make palots in the floor in Kayleigh 's room since none of you can lay in Kayleigh's Baby Bed . Or make a family inside camp in her room on a weekend . And this can go on for in the new house too . Have your parents put out Kayleigh's things as if she were coming home. And camp out in the floor on the weekend. Love & Hugs Always , Randee
R . I . P " Miss. Kayleigh Ann Freedman"
June 23 , 2008 - May 11 , 2009
OK , for those who haven't heard the sad news yet . . . Ladies you MIGHT wanna grab some Kleenexes before reading any farther. The news is that 11 month old Little Kayleigh Ann Freedman , Better known to the blogging world as "Baby Kayleigh" died lastnight in her Hospital Bed in the NICU at 9:44 P. M . I'm guessing that she died in her sleep . She left behind her Daddy & Mommy to take care of her older sister & older brother . Even though she is gone from this life . Little Kayleigh still lives on in her Mommy 's & Daddy 's and her older Sister 's & her older Brother's Hearts. And also in all of the hearts of the strangers around the world who loved to go to her parents Blogs to get to know and read about her life with family . I can tell you right now that my heart is still breaking for her family. To The Freedman Family , Like I said above , My heart goes out to you guys and gals ! Just know that Kayleigh is in a better place now . She's in NO Pain what - so - ever ! She's a Happy Camper ! NOT saying that she wasn't Happy down here on Earth. I 'm saying that she is Happy to be with Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ . And , You'll be with her again soon. And , I hope that I'm not gonna step on anyones toes here. But , to the Kids . I have a solution for you 2 if you get sad and you miss her at night and all . Maybe if it's alright with your Mom & Dad maybe if some of her stuff isn't already packed and ready for the move . Maybe you each can pick something out like a blanket Kayleigh got to use to keep as a keep sake . And also , I've found that in the room where one of my loved ones who has now died slept . I always sleep on that person's (Both Grandpa's) side of their beds when I'm over . Maybe , if it's ok with your parents ask them if maybe this Friday or this Saturday night one or both or all of ya could make palots in the floor in Kayleigh 's room since none of you can lay in Kayleigh's Baby Bed . Or make a family inside camp in her room on a weekend . And this can go on for in the new house too . Have your parents put out Kayleigh's things as if she were coming home. And camp out in the floor on the weekend. Love & Hugs Always , Randee
R . I . P " Miss. Kayleigh Ann Freedman"
June 23 , 2008 - May 11 , 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mother's Day Mama
Dear Mama,
Ok, I'll try not to cry. But , theres NO GARENTEES that it'll happen that way. But , I want to tell you that I'm so thankful everyday that Dad found you , Dated you , and FINALLY married you , And YES Girl I'm gonna say it ya'll made me and Joshua , with the help of God & Our Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ , the 2 most finest grown up kids in the world . I think that he did a fantastic job. I think you are the sweetest and most caring person that I know. I mean you basically stop whatever your doing and you bend over backwards to help who ever do what ever. Including me with my medical stuff , Getting better after each Surgery / You stay with me at the Hospital even for just a night's Sleep Study so that Dad could stay home long enough to get Josh to School and then he'd go to work. and also you try your best to help our family try to stay as Healthy as possible. I for 1 THANK YOU! You are and ALWAYS will be My Best Friend until the day both of us dies. And , then you'll be my Best Friend in Heaven too. But , for now lets NOT think that way just yet. It's like the Kenny Chesney song "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, But Nobody wants to go Now!"And , I know we have our moments of wanting to strangle each other . Every Mother & Daughter does . But , I'm truly Honored to have you as My Mom . And , you know like the sad thing that happend 11 yrs. ago with Kelli Farmer 's Mom . . . That got me thinking what would we do without you. All I could tell you is We'd all be very sad to not get to see your Beautiful Face every Day , And to hear your sweet Singing & Talking voice. But, I'm so thankful that nothing like that happend and hopfully it never will. I love you with all of my heart and soul. Your Beautiful inside and Out! And , I have to say your THE BEST COOK EVER !!!!!!!
Ok, I'll try not to cry. But , theres NO GARENTEES that it'll happen that way. But , I want to tell you that I'm so thankful everyday that Dad found you , Dated you , and FINALLY married you , And YES Girl I'm gonna say it ya'll made me and Joshua , with the help of God & Our Lord and Savior , Jesus Christ , the 2 most finest grown up kids in the world . I think that he did a fantastic job. I think you are the sweetest and most caring person that I know. I mean you basically stop whatever your doing and you bend over backwards to help who ever do what ever. Including me with my medical stuff , Getting better after each Surgery / You stay with me at the Hospital even for just a night's Sleep Study so that Dad could stay home long enough to get Josh to School and then he'd go to work. and also you try your best to help our family try to stay as Healthy as possible. I for 1 THANK YOU! You are and ALWAYS will be My Best Friend until the day both of us dies. And , then you'll be my Best Friend in Heaven too. But , for now lets NOT think that way just yet. It's like the Kenny Chesney song "Everybody wants to go to Heaven, But Nobody wants to go Now!"And , I know we have our moments of wanting to strangle each other . Every Mother & Daughter does . But , I'm truly Honored to have you as My Mom . And , you know like the sad thing that happend 11 yrs. ago with Kelli Farmer 's Mom . . . That got me thinking what would we do without you. All I could tell you is We'd all be very sad to not get to see your Beautiful Face every Day , And to hear your sweet Singing & Talking voice. But, I'm so thankful that nothing like that happend and hopfully it never will. I love you with all of my heart and soul. Your Beautiful inside and Out! And , I have to say your THE BEST COOK EVER !!!!!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Hey There Ya'll ,
So ok , this post won't be a "Full Post " as I normally do. But , I just have a question that my dear friend , Kelly Stamps , of "Kelly's Korner" posted on her post not the latest blog this past Thursday afternoon but, the one before that . " What would you have for your last meal if you knew your going to die soon? Weather it be , From a certain deases or Normal Causes? Oh Boy , Mine would be , AS MUCH " KFC " AS POSSIBLE , CHILI'S MONSERELLA CHEESE STICKS WITH RANCH DRESSING , COCA COLA ON THE ROCKS/ PEPSI ON THE ROCKS
So ok , this post won't be a "Full Post " as I normally do. But , I just have a question that my dear friend , Kelly Stamps , of "Kelly's Korner" posted on her post not the latest blog this past Thursday afternoon but, the one before that . " What would you have for your last meal if you knew your going to die soon? Weather it be , From a certain deases or Normal Causes? Oh Boy , Mine would be , AS MUCH " KFC " AS POSSIBLE , CHILI'S MONSERELLA CHEESE STICKS WITH RANCH DRESSING , COCA COLA ON THE ROCKS/ PEPSI ON THE ROCKS
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Update on Baby Stellan from MckMama herself
a good play with an awful hand
In essence, what Dr. A was doing for our son today was making a good play when being dealt an awful hand.Those were actually his words. Not mine. I'd like to give credit where credit is due. And, as you'll find, Dr. A deserves lots of credit after today. Stellan made it through his procedure and is not extubated yet. They want to keep him on the ventilator for a while since this morning was so complicated for his little body. We are in the recovery room right now. He is finishing off a blood transfusion they started earlier, and we'll head back to the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit) shortly. We will likely be back on the regular cardiac floor by tomorrow. Of all the scenarios that Dr. A could possibly have found once he was in Stellan's heart, unfortunately the location of Stellan's accessory pathway was in the least desirable and most complicated position possible. It was a long and involved procedure, but they didn't have to open up his chest at all because they were able to avoid the need for a pacemaker (at this point, signs are pointing to him possibly needing one in the future, perhaps when he is old enough to get one without requiring open heart surgery). Today the cardiologists accessed Stellan's heart through his neck and three openings in his groin. One unexpected thing that was discovered during surgery today was that Stellan has Patent Foramen Ovale. The hole, present during fetal development, that connects the atria through the septum, which usually closes at or shortly after birth, is still open in Stellan's heart. I have no idea yet about the ramifications of that hole still being open, but I don't think it's a big deal. It worked out great today, in fact, as Dr. A didn't have to puncture Stellan's septum! He just threaded his instruments right through Stellan's Patent Foramen Ovale to gain access to the left side of his heart! Seriously, modern medicine is amazing.Dr. A was able to indeed locate Stellan's accessory pathway, a parahisian mid septal pathway that lay right on Stellan's AV node. It was so close to Stellan's normal conduction pathway as to almost be commingled. It was this unfortunate placement of Stellan's extra pathway that made today's procedure so complicated and risky. The good news is Stellan's his pathway was nowhere near his coronary artery, so that was not damaged. The bad news is that the AV node is necessary for the heart to beat properly, and Stellan's AV node was damaged today. It is through the AV node that normal conduction flows. Damage to the AV node is what causes heart block (When the upper and lower parts of the heart do not electrically communicate with each other, therefore beating autonomously instead of in synchrony like a normal heart beat. Heart block often necessitates the implantation of an artificial pacemaker.). The doctors found it very difficult, impossible it now seems, to get rid of Stellan's mid septal pathway without damaging his AV node. The long and short of it is that Dr. A danced an impressively fine line today, wanting to destroy Stellan's extra electrical pathway as much as he could so we could get rid of his capacity for SVT, while not wanting to utterly destroy Stellan's AV node and cause complete heart block, thus possibly requiring open heart surgery and a pacemaker. The result, we all feel, was the best play possible, given the unfortunate hand we were dealt (as regards the location of Stellan's accessory pathway). In the process of ablating the pathway (using cryo ablation instead of radio frequency ablation, a change Dr. A made mid-stream after realizing how risky it would be to actually use radio frequency), Stellan's AV node was damaged. He was left with (what seems now to be Complete) Right Bundle Block. This means that his entire right ventricle no longer receives electrical impulse as far as when to beat. Instead of beating in harmony with the atria, it's doing it's own ineffective thing. The great news is that Stellan did not end up with Complete Heart Block on both sides! His left ventricle (which could easily be argued to be more important than the right) is sill functioning properly, receiving the correct impulse from the atria. We are so very thankful for that.Accepting that Stellan now has Complete Right Bundle Block is the price we must be willing to pay as a trade-off for Stellan's accessory pathway being probably completely destroyed.As soon as Dr. A saw that the AV node was being damaged and heart block was being caused, he stopped the ablation process immediately. He did try to go in again later and just see if he could ablate a teeny, tiny bit more, but as soon as the catheter even got near the AV node, before he even began ablating at all, more heart block started to appear so he figured that was God's way of saying enough is enough. He didn't push things any further and estimates that the procedure, from that standpoint, was about 65% effective. Mentioning those odds were considered a "failure" in this field, he reminded me that he is confident this was the best outcome we could have hoped for, considering Stellan's pathway was on his AV node.If Stellan's SVT does come back (about a 35% chance that it will), there will be only two options: Try to find a regimen of anti arrhythmic drugs to hold Stellan out of SVT until he is old enough to have another ablation (and a pacemaker...see next paragraph), or to go ahead and do another ablation (and pacemaker, as the AV node will have to be destroyed) now.There is no other option for ablation that does not include a pacemaker, however. If Dr. A has to go back in Stellan's heart to ablate the pathway if it comes back, there is no more room to ablate it a little without killing the AV node. Another ablation will mean a pacemaker, which will mean open heart surgery if Stellan is still young. If he is older and big enough, though, he could get another ablation and pacemaker much less invasively. There is even the chance that once Stellan is about 20 kilos (at about age 4), that his accessory pathway, if it is not entirely gone already, might move away from the AV node a bit as Stellan grows, making a complete ablation of that pathway without destroying the rest of the AV node a minute possibility.Because Dr. A was not able to ablate as aggressively as he would have optimally liked, we will stay here for a few more days at least. Stellan will have an esophageal study on Thursday to try to map Stellan's heart again and to try to induce SVT. Depending on what happens when Dr. A tries to induce SVT, we will determine the plan from here on out. If Stellan's SVT does not come back, we will be able to go home with Stellan on no drugs. As I wrap up this post, Stellan is now off the ventilator and able to eat. We are in the CICU and will be through the night. I nursed Stellan and he fell back asleep. His blood transfusion is done, but some of his labs are still really low, so he'll be getting some other stuff (not sure what at this point..bicarbs or something and other thigns). He'll also be given a diuretic to help him get rid of the fluid that is in his lungs and his tissues (that built up when his heart was in such high SVT since yesterday afternoon). Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns. Even more updates and photos of our sweet boy to come soon!
In essence, what Dr. A was doing for our son today was making a good play when being dealt an awful hand.Those were actually his words. Not mine. I'd like to give credit where credit is due. And, as you'll find, Dr. A deserves lots of credit after today. Stellan made it through his procedure and is not extubated yet. They want to keep him on the ventilator for a while since this morning was so complicated for his little body. We are in the recovery room right now. He is finishing off a blood transfusion they started earlier, and we'll head back to the CICU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit) shortly. We will likely be back on the regular cardiac floor by tomorrow. Of all the scenarios that Dr. A could possibly have found once he was in Stellan's heart, unfortunately the location of Stellan's accessory pathway was in the least desirable and most complicated position possible. It was a long and involved procedure, but they didn't have to open up his chest at all because they were able to avoid the need for a pacemaker (at this point, signs are pointing to him possibly needing one in the future, perhaps when he is old enough to get one without requiring open heart surgery). Today the cardiologists accessed Stellan's heart through his neck and three openings in his groin. One unexpected thing that was discovered during surgery today was that Stellan has Patent Foramen Ovale. The hole, present during fetal development, that connects the atria through the septum, which usually closes at or shortly after birth, is still open in Stellan's heart. I have no idea yet about the ramifications of that hole still being open, but I don't think it's a big deal. It worked out great today, in fact, as Dr. A didn't have to puncture Stellan's septum! He just threaded his instruments right through Stellan's Patent Foramen Ovale to gain access to the left side of his heart! Seriously, modern medicine is amazing.Dr. A was able to indeed locate Stellan's accessory pathway, a parahisian mid septal pathway that lay right on Stellan's AV node. It was so close to Stellan's normal conduction pathway as to almost be commingled. It was this unfortunate placement of Stellan's extra pathway that made today's procedure so complicated and risky. The good news is Stellan's his pathway was nowhere near his coronary artery, so that was not damaged. The bad news is that the AV node is necessary for the heart to beat properly, and Stellan's AV node was damaged today. It is through the AV node that normal conduction flows. Damage to the AV node is what causes heart block (When the upper and lower parts of the heart do not electrically communicate with each other, therefore beating autonomously instead of in synchrony like a normal heart beat. Heart block often necessitates the implantation of an artificial pacemaker.). The doctors found it very difficult, impossible it now seems, to get rid of Stellan's mid septal pathway without damaging his AV node. The long and short of it is that Dr. A danced an impressively fine line today, wanting to destroy Stellan's extra electrical pathway as much as he could so we could get rid of his capacity for SVT, while not wanting to utterly destroy Stellan's AV node and cause complete heart block, thus possibly requiring open heart surgery and a pacemaker. The result, we all feel, was the best play possible, given the unfortunate hand we were dealt (as regards the location of Stellan's accessory pathway). In the process of ablating the pathway (using cryo ablation instead of radio frequency ablation, a change Dr. A made mid-stream after realizing how risky it would be to actually use radio frequency), Stellan's AV node was damaged. He was left with (what seems now to be Complete) Right Bundle Block. This means that his entire right ventricle no longer receives electrical impulse as far as when to beat. Instead of beating in harmony with the atria, it's doing it's own ineffective thing. The great news is that Stellan did not end up with Complete Heart Block on both sides! His left ventricle (which could easily be argued to be more important than the right) is sill functioning properly, receiving the correct impulse from the atria. We are so very thankful for that.Accepting that Stellan now has Complete Right Bundle Block is the price we must be willing to pay as a trade-off for Stellan's accessory pathway being probably completely destroyed.As soon as Dr. A saw that the AV node was being damaged and heart block was being caused, he stopped the ablation process immediately. He did try to go in again later and just see if he could ablate a teeny, tiny bit more, but as soon as the catheter even got near the AV node, before he even began ablating at all, more heart block started to appear so he figured that was God's way of saying enough is enough. He didn't push things any further and estimates that the procedure, from that standpoint, was about 65% effective. Mentioning those odds were considered a "failure" in this field, he reminded me that he is confident this was the best outcome we could have hoped for, considering Stellan's pathway was on his AV node.If Stellan's SVT does come back (about a 35% chance that it will), there will be only two options: Try to find a regimen of anti arrhythmic drugs to hold Stellan out of SVT until he is old enough to have another ablation (and a pacemaker...see next paragraph), or to go ahead and do another ablation (and pacemaker, as the AV node will have to be destroyed) now.There is no other option for ablation that does not include a pacemaker, however. If Dr. A has to go back in Stellan's heart to ablate the pathway if it comes back, there is no more room to ablate it a little without killing the AV node. Another ablation will mean a pacemaker, which will mean open heart surgery if Stellan is still young. If he is older and big enough, though, he could get another ablation and pacemaker much less invasively. There is even the chance that once Stellan is about 20 kilos (at about age 4), that his accessory pathway, if it is not entirely gone already, might move away from the AV node a bit as Stellan grows, making a complete ablation of that pathway without destroying the rest of the AV node a minute possibility.Because Dr. A was not able to ablate as aggressively as he would have optimally liked, we will stay here for a few more days at least. Stellan will have an esophageal study on Thursday to try to map Stellan's heart again and to try to induce SVT. Depending on what happens when Dr. A tries to induce SVT, we will determine the plan from here on out. If Stellan's SVT does not come back, we will be able to go home with Stellan on no drugs. As I wrap up this post, Stellan is now off the ventilator and able to eat. We are in the CICU and will be through the night. I nursed Stellan and he fell back asleep. His blood transfusion is done, but some of his labs are still really low, so he'll be getting some other stuff (not sure what at this point..bicarbs or something and other thigns). He'll also be given a diuretic to help him get rid of the fluid that is in his lungs and his tissues (that built up when his heart was in such high SVT since yesterday afternoon). Thank you so much for your prayers and concerns. Even more updates and photos of our sweet boy to come soon!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Joshua is in TX
Hey Everyone ,
I know it's been a just a few days ago since I posted on here last . But , Have I got some BEYOND GREAT News for all the family and Friends in the TX area . Joshua called our house yesterday morning at 1:30 A . M . . . And he told Mom that he had just gotten information on a Flight out of the N . Y . C airport to the one in Dallas / Ft. Worth . set to land here at around 10 : 30 ish . . . few hrs later he calls us back and says that he had to have the number to his flight changed for some reason that I don't remember at the moment. Wait , I think the reason was that it was snowing in Houston . But that he'd be boarding the plane as soon as he could . Well , he calls again and the flight has been delayed by a few minutes and when it finally takes off it sent him to Ohio to get on a plane to come straigh to Dallas . All of this to say Joshua 's plane FINALLY arrived to Dallas / Ft . Worth Airport around 11:15 P. M . Last night . We drove half way home to stop off and eat at Ihop. And didn't get home till have 2:30 or so this morning .
I know it's been a just a few days ago since I posted on here last . But , Have I got some BEYOND GREAT News for all the family and Friends in the TX area . Joshua called our house yesterday morning at 1:30 A . M . . . And he told Mom that he had just gotten information on a Flight out of the N . Y . C airport to the one in Dallas / Ft. Worth . set to land here at around 10 : 30 ish . . . few hrs later he calls us back and says that he had to have the number to his flight changed for some reason that I don't remember at the moment. Wait , I think the reason was that it was snowing in Houston . But that he'd be boarding the plane as soon as he could . Well , he calls again and the flight has been delayed by a few minutes and when it finally takes off it sent him to Ohio to get on a plane to come straigh to Dallas . All of this to say Joshua 's plane FINALLY arrived to Dallas / Ft . Worth Airport around 11:15 P. M . Last night . We drove half way home to stop off and eat at Ihop. And didn't get home till have 2:30 or so this morning .
Friday, April 3, 2009
Hello Ya'll,
I am here again to post 3 Things. The 1st thing is that our hearts and prayers go out to the victoms and the loved ones of the people that were involved in the shooting today. 2.) For all of The McCaghren Family members and Friends , on here that know that , My Brother , Joshua lives there in New York . I want all of ya'll to know that he is perfectly FINE! He was at a photo shoot this morning and he didn't even know about the shootings until Mom and I told him about it 1 - 2 hrs. ago or so. 3.) On to some MORE exciting news . . . . WE HAVE BRAND NEW KITTENS ! ! ! That were born either early this morning or last night. Dad and Mom and I wouldn't know when since Dad and I were in the living room watching some rented movies. And , Mom was working on tax paper work ! ! ! Anyway, I think that " Blondie" our Blonde extreamly fat cat has FINALLY given birth . . . 2 Days ago she looked like she was about to POP ! ! ! But , We also have a Black / Gray cat also Pregnant and I've seen both of them. The Black / Gray one is still preggers. "Blondie" I've only seen her form a far she snuck her head around the corner of the Garage Door this morning. So I think they are hers. Anyway HAPPY DAY FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am here again to post 3 Things. The 1st thing is that our hearts and prayers go out to the victoms and the loved ones of the people that were involved in the shooting today. 2.) For all of The McCaghren Family members and Friends , on here that know that , My Brother , Joshua lives there in New York . I want all of ya'll to know that he is perfectly FINE! He was at a photo shoot this morning and he didn't even know about the shootings until Mom and I told him about it 1 - 2 hrs. ago or so. 3.) On to some MORE exciting news . . . . WE HAVE BRAND NEW KITTENS ! ! ! That were born either early this morning or last night. Dad and Mom and I wouldn't know when since Dad and I were in the living room watching some rented movies. And , Mom was working on tax paper work ! ! ! Anyway, I think that " Blondie" our Blonde extreamly fat cat has FINALLY given birth . . . 2 Days ago she looked like she was about to POP ! ! ! But , We also have a Black / Gray cat also Pregnant and I've seen both of them. The Black / Gray one is still preggers. "Blondie" I've only seen her form a far she snuck her head around the corner of the Garage Door this morning. So I think they are hers. Anyway HAPPY DAY FOR US!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hey Everyone,
I know it's been a little over 2 weeks or so since I had the chance to post for ya'll last. We have all been doing good. All , Except my Dad. He's been down in bed with a VERY BAD MIGRAINE for the past 3 days straight or so. He's only gotten up to use the restroom . Or , if he felt like he could eat. He would be up long enough to eat and then either go back to bed. Or he'd lay on our couch / recliner chair. Anyway. Mom , Joshua , and I and all the pets are glad that he's getting better . And felling like trying to work on things around our mobile home. Dad , I'm so glad that your getting back to your funny , YOUNG self. And I'm also REAL glad that you are feeling some better. Your in my thoughts and prayers always. I love you , You CRAZY IRISH Daddy , You! Happy St. Patricks Day! Love Always , Your 's & Mama 's " Baby Girl !"
I know it's been a little over 2 weeks or so since I had the chance to post for ya'll last. We have all been doing good. All , Except my Dad. He's been down in bed with a VERY BAD MIGRAINE for the past 3 days straight or so. He's only gotten up to use the restroom . Or , if he felt like he could eat. He would be up long enough to eat and then either go back to bed. Or he'd lay on our couch / recliner chair. Anyway. Mom , Joshua , and I and all the pets are glad that he's getting better . And felling like trying to work on things around our mobile home. Dad , I'm so glad that your getting back to your funny , YOUNG self. And I'm also REAL glad that you are feeling some better. Your in my thoughts and prayers always. I love you , You CRAZY IRISH Daddy , You! Happy St. Patricks Day! Love Always , Your 's & Mama 's " Baby Girl !"
Friday, February 27, 2009
R . I . P William Cecil Summers Oct. 30th, 19?? - Feb 20 , 2009
Hey Everybody ,
I know it seems that this is the season for funerals and all. Has ya'll know there have been several deaths in my family lately. Here is a list of all of them thus far are listed below for you all if you wanted to try and keep up.
1.) My Family 's Cat "Froggy" She was a Simease Kitten probably about 3 weeks old when my Dad found her " Deader than a Door Nail" She looked like she was just laying there sleeping laying there in the sun.
2. ) Our Calico Kitten "Callie" She was about 8- 10 weeks old when she died. She was laying in the EXACT SAME spot that "Froggy" was when she died.
3. ) One of My Family Pets , That I named Daphne , She was only liking 2 - 4 days turning 3 Yrs. old when she was hit and accidently killed by one of our neighbors down the street.
4.) My Great Uncle William Cecil Summers , He's My Dad's Uncle He died a week ago TODAY!
I know it seems that this is the season for funerals and all. Has ya'll know there have been several deaths in my family lately. Here is a list of all of them thus far are listed below for you all if you wanted to try and keep up.
1.) My Family 's Cat "Froggy" She was a Simease Kitten probably about 3 weeks old when my Dad found her " Deader than a Door Nail" She looked like she was just laying there sleeping laying there in the sun.
2. ) Our Calico Kitten "Callie" She was about 8- 10 weeks old when she died. She was laying in the EXACT SAME spot that "Froggy" was when she died.
3. ) One of My Family Pets , That I named Daphne , She was only liking 2 - 4 days turning 3 Yrs. old when she was hit and accidently killed by one of our neighbors down the street.
4.) My Great Uncle William Cecil Summers , He's My Dad's Uncle He died a week ago TODAY!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
R . I . P " Daphne " Feb. 11 , 2006 - Feb . 7 , 2009
Hello Everyone ,
Today is a very sad and also depressing day for The McCaghren Family. This morning our sweet and loving Great Pyreneese , Who I " Daphne " who was just 3 years old got hit. Mom and Dad took her to our vet. After they looked her over they were about to start prepping her for surgery. To fix her torn spleen. But , Sadly it was just too late. She bled inside too much. Then , She died. She'll be greatly missed by all . We love and miss you Sweet Girl! Love , Randee , Josh , Mom , Pawdre
Today is a very sad and also depressing day for The McCaghren Family. This morning our sweet and loving Great Pyreneese , Who I " Daphne " who was just 3 years old got hit. Mom and Dad took her to our vet. After they looked her over they were about to start prepping her for surgery. To fix her torn spleen. But , Sadly it was just too late. She bled inside too much. Then , She died. She'll be greatly missed by all . We love and miss you Sweet Girl! Love , Randee , Josh , Mom , Pawdre
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
R . I . P "Callie!" from Nov. 2008 - Feb. 2009
This is a very special but yet very sad post today. As today marks the day that either during the night or some time this morning one of our newest additions , Our sweet and cute and cuddly beloved Kitten , Who we named "Callie " has passed away. " Callie " was a pretty and so very feisty little Callico Cat. She was a scrapper that's for sure. She was the funniest little cat that I think I'd ever met. She had the cutest little " Meow " ! I'll deffinetly miss her "meows" and of course her sweet little face . Those little green eyes that always looked so sad unless her buddy/ Brother " Blonde " was around. He always played with her. She was begining to be such a good hunter too. I think she took some " pointers " from "Comacozie"! Her adopted big sister. She was a fighter too. Man , Some of our puppies loved to "Rough House" with her. Of course I think you all can guess who would end up winning! YEP! Dear ole " Callie Girl ". Little Stink Pot! I truly loved that kitten. I thought I'd NEVER like kittens much less Cats. BUT, Turns out I do. Weird I know! S0, as I close this post. I want to say , " Bye Callie Girl " , We miss you lots sweet Girl! Have fun playing with all those " Kitty Angels "! I love you. Love, Randee
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Little Harper
Hey Guys & Gals ,
I'm just so EXCITED that I can't stand it. Boy, have I got some totally FABULOUS news to tell all of ya'll . I was just over visiting my darling friends , Kelly and Scott Stamps blog to check up on their precious little princess , Who they have named her " Miss . Harper Brown Stamps". She was born on, January 15th. She is such a strong little fighter ( Just like her "Aunt Randee" was at her young age. ;) That little darling and her family are very special and dear to me. Even though I've not had the chance to meet them all face to face just yet . I sure hope that my family and I get the chance to some day real soon . I too hope she gets that Pony that her Daddy promised her. I think she'd look so cute on one when she gets older . Scott & Kelly , I sure hope that ya'll are having a great day spent with your sweet little angel . I love you all so very much ! - " Aunt Randee in East , TX "
I'm just so EXCITED that I can't stand it. Boy, have I got some totally FABULOUS news to tell all of ya'll . I was just over visiting my darling friends , Kelly and Scott Stamps blog to check up on their precious little princess , Who they have named her " Miss . Harper Brown Stamps". She was born on, January 15th. She is such a strong little fighter ( Just like her "Aunt Randee" was at her young age. ;) That little darling and her family are very special and dear to me. Even though I've not had the chance to meet them all face to face just yet . I sure hope that my family and I get the chance to some day real soon . I too hope she gets that Pony that her Daddy promised her. I think she'd look so cute on one when she gets older . Scott & Kelly , I sure hope that ya'll are having a great day spent with your sweet little angel . I love you all so very much ! - " Aunt Randee in East , TX "
Friday, January 23, 2009
5 Puppies Left
Hey Everyone,
We now have just 5 Puppies left. Tonight , 2 Ladies and one of their little Girls came by tonight and got 3 of them. 1 Badger , and 1 Solid White Boy , And the ONLY Girl (Also Solid White) . You could say that I'm a little bit sad. But, I feel good knowing that they are going to good homes. And Aunt Deborah has a friend that wants one. So, soon we will be " Puppy Less"! Unless , You want to still call " Apollo " & " Daphne " & " Maggie " " Puppies " still? I'm not to sure about it though! They are my Big Babies! LOL. Before we sale the others I'll TRY and get a photo of them tomorrow and I'll put it up here for ya'll and me both! They are such little stinkers! But , I sure do love them all so much.
Love , Randee
We now have just 5 Puppies left. Tonight , 2 Ladies and one of their little Girls came by tonight and got 3 of them. 1 Badger , and 1 Solid White Boy , And the ONLY Girl (Also Solid White) . You could say that I'm a little bit sad. But, I feel good knowing that they are going to good homes. And Aunt Deborah has a friend that wants one. So, soon we will be " Puppy Less"! Unless , You want to still call " Apollo " & " Daphne " & " Maggie " " Puppies " still? I'm not to sure about it though! They are my Big Babies! LOL. Before we sale the others I'll TRY and get a photo of them tomorrow and I'll put it up here for ya'll and me both! They are such little stinkers! But , I sure do love them all so much.
Love , Randee
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