Hello All,
Here's my list of My absolute Favorite Blogs to go read everyday or every other day.
1.) www.kellyskornerblog.blogspot.com
2.) http://www.hisdoorkeeper.blogspot.com
3.) http://makeupbytiffanyd.blogspot.com/2011/09/glittery-fall-makeup-tutorial.html
4.) http://dwightandtandy.blogspot.com/
5.) http://www.chris-carrie.com/blog/
6.) http://lseo.blogspot.com/2011/09/smile.html
7.) www.mycharmingkids.net
8.) http://jayschuerman.blogspot.com/
9.) http://samanthaschuerman.blogspot.com/
10.) http://karieamaro.blogspot.com/2011_08_01_archive.html?zx=2dcb69be720ee437
11.) http://thesarasfamily.blogspot.com/
Randee 's Journal
Randee's day to day Thoughts
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
"Crockpot - a - looza"
"Beef tips & Rice"
I wanted to "Link up" with my Sweet Friend , Mrs. Kelly Stamps's "Crock pot - a - looza" Recipes today. So , here is 1 of my favorite Crockpot Recipes My Mom makes that is TO DIE FOR!!!!
Oh , I wanted to let ya'll know My Mom didn't put how much Beef tips and such just in case you have more people than expected. Thanks Momma for letting me use this recipe! Love you! - Randee
Beef tips ( Stew Meat)
Beef Boullion
Golden Mushroom Soup
Slow cook meat in Crock Pot til done. ( My Beautiful Momma likes to cook it over night on Low / Medium)
When meat is done drain it - add as many cans of Golden Mushroom Soup as needed. Heat .
Serve over cooked Rice
Season to taste.
I wanted to "Link up" with my Sweet Friend , Mrs. Kelly Stamps's "Crock pot - a - looza" Recipes today. So , here is 1 of my favorite Crockpot Recipes My Mom makes that is TO DIE FOR!!!!
Oh , I wanted to let ya'll know My Mom didn't put how much Beef tips and such just in case you have more people than expected. Thanks Momma for letting me use this recipe! Love you! - Randee
Beef tips ( Stew Meat)
Beef Boullion
Golden Mushroom Soup
Slow cook meat in Crock Pot til done. ( My Beautiful Momma likes to cook it over night on Low / Medium)
When meat is done drain it - add as many cans of Golden Mushroom Soup as needed. Heat .
Serve over cooked Rice
Season to taste.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
"Get your Freak on" Tag
Ok , I got this off of YouTube from a Friend
1. What's a nickname only your family calls you? I have a Few , “Red” , “Randoo” , “Doodle Bug”
2. What's a weird habit of yours? I don't have one
3. Do you have any weird phobias? Needles , COSTUMES , (Example) Barney , Sesame Street
4. What's a song you secretly LOVE to blast & belt out when you're alone? The Theme Song to “ Nikki Lund & Richie Sambora’s “White Trash Beautiful” Clothing line on the website
5. What's one of your biggest pet peeves? For someone to leave the Toilet seat up and un - wiped off " after they finish there Job
6. What's one of your nervous habits? Biting Nails / Cuticles
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on ? THE WHOLE THING
8. What was your first stuffed animal & it's name ? A HUGE “ Stuffed St. Bernard Dog ” My Parents named him “ Beauregard ” Some one gave it to me when I was born
9. What's the drink you ALWAYS order at Starbucks ? Those Frozen COLD Mocha Cappuchino
10. What's the beauty rule you preach.. but never ACTUALLY practice? To take off your Make up before laying down for a Nap or Bed time
11. Which way do you face in the shower ? Right
12. Do you have any 'weird' body 'skills' ? NONE
13. What's your favorite 'comfort food'/ food that’s “bad” but you love to eat it anyways? CHEESE
14. What's a phrase or exclamation you always say? “ Oh , SNAPEROO! ”
15. Time to sleep - what are you ACTUALLY wearing ? Usually Just a Keith Urban Concert T – Shirt
I “TAG” EVERYONE on my Blog list !!!!
Friday, June 10, 2011
Living with Spina Bifida
I was born with Spina Bifida, a neurological condition that is usually heredity- based, which means it can run in your family.If you and your brother both have blue eyes, it could be because of your heredity. Heredity is a trait that you have in common with someone else in your family. Spina Bifida occurs when the fetus is just forming, and something causes the cells to stop growing. It occurs during the first few weeks of pregnancy and almost always effects the spinal column. There are a few types or degrees of damage. When the spinal column stops growing top to bottom, the growth of the fetus is also effected from left to right. Often, the area that grows around the tummy to the back stops growing when the spinal column stops growing from top to bottom. Sometimes it just causes a small cyst-like area, but most times it causes an opening or hole to be somewhere on the back. During pregnancy, the fetus is in amneotic fluid and when there is a hole, the fluid can "flush out" nerve endings outside of the body. These nerve endings can tangle and cause alot of nerve damage. So, depending on where the defect (hole) is can determine how much damage is done. The higher the hole (on the spinal column) the higher the damage is located. For example, if the defect is just below the skull, then your arms and lungs and parts of the upper body can be damaged or restricted. If the defect is lower on the back, then your legs and digestive areas can be damaged. My defect was low on my back, so my legs and feet and all of my digestive system was damaged. I have been confined to a wheelchair since I was 5 years old and I have both bladder and bowel incontinence, which means I have to have help to go to the bathroom. This is pretty common for folks with Spina Bifida.
I have alot of physical limitations. I cannot run or walk or even stand alone, but I can do most things from my chair. I can dress myself and feed myself and I enjoy alots of things that other kids my age enjoy. I can go to the movies and restaurants with family or friends, but I often need help getting in the doors or getting up close to tables. Except for not being able to walk, I can do most things that you can do. I have friends over for sleep-overs and we can do other fun things together. I just need help sometimes.
When you are born with Spina Bifida, you have to have surgeries to help stop more damage to the nerve endings. I had my first surgery when I was just a few hours old. The doctors did an operation to close the hole in my back. They also had to put a shunt in my head to keep spinal fluid from gathering in my skull. The shunt is very small and looks like a perfume sprayer/tube. It drains the fluid into a tube that takes it down my body and empties into an area near my stomach. The fluid is absorbed into the body and is released as sweat and things like that. Placing that long, small tube inside my body was another surgery I had as a new born baby. But it doesn't hurt me and it doesn't show. It just helps keep me from getting sick again. I have had over 20 surgeries in my life, but they were done to keep me alive and to help me have a better life. I take a few medicines every day to help me stay well. In most ways, I live my life the same way that you do.
When I was in school, I went to classes just like the rest of my friends. I also went to special classes to help me when I needed more help to understand what the class was teaching me. Lots of kids without Spina Bifida go to those types of classes too. I had special P.E. classes too, because I could not do alot of the exercises or games the other kids did, but the teachers helped me to do things that I was able to do. I couldn't run around a track, but I could wheel myself around the track in my wheelchair. So, we would modify or change parts of an exercise so I could do it while in my wheelchair. I did finish High School and now I live with my parents out in the country. We made changes to our house to make it easier for me to do daily chores. For example, we took out the bathtub in my bathroom. We made a large shower area and I have a special wheelchair to use in the shower. I roll into the shower in my shower wheelchair and I don't have to step into a tub. We made the doorways larger so that I can push myself thru the doors in my wheelchair. We put some drinking glasses in a lower cabinet so that I can reach them by myself and things I use in lower sections in the refigerator. I have a special seat in my car that moves outside of the car and lowers down so that I can transfer, or move myself, over from my wheelchair into the carseat. Then I push a button that makes the carseat move up and back into the car. That keeps my Mom or Dad from having to lift me in or out of the car. I call it my "Princess Ride" .
So all in all, I have a pretty sweet life and I am enjoying life. I just tried to give a simplified description of Spina Bifida, its causes and its effect in my life. As with any other condition, there are many other variations or complications from this form of birth defect. Everyone is different . My relative was born with Spina Bifida about 13-15 years before me and you can't tell she has Spina Bifida. She walks and does things like any other person. She even had 3 children!! None of them have Spina Bifida, but they could be carrying the defective gene that causes Spina Bifida in the first place. So, when they begin their families, they will need to be watched carefully. Medical technology has come so far since I was born that they should have many advantages now and can do alot of things to lessen the damage that can be caused by Spina Bifida. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me and I will try to answer them.
I have alot of physical limitations. I cannot run or walk or even stand alone, but I can do most things from my chair. I can dress myself and feed myself and I enjoy alots of things that other kids my age enjoy. I can go to the movies and restaurants with family or friends, but I often need help getting in the doors or getting up close to tables. Except for not being able to walk, I can do most things that you can do. I have friends over for sleep-overs and we can do other fun things together. I just need help sometimes.
When you are born with Spina Bifida, you have to have surgeries to help stop more damage to the nerve endings. I had my first surgery when I was just a few hours old. The doctors did an operation to close the hole in my back. They also had to put a shunt in my head to keep spinal fluid from gathering in my skull. The shunt is very small and looks like a perfume sprayer/tube. It drains the fluid into a tube that takes it down my body and empties into an area near my stomach. The fluid is absorbed into the body and is released as sweat and things like that. Placing that long, small tube inside my body was another surgery I had as a new born baby. But it doesn't hurt me and it doesn't show. It just helps keep me from getting sick again. I have had over 20 surgeries in my life, but they were done to keep me alive and to help me have a better life. I take a few medicines every day to help me stay well. In most ways, I live my life the same way that you do.
When I was in school, I went to classes just like the rest of my friends. I also went to special classes to help me when I needed more help to understand what the class was teaching me. Lots of kids without Spina Bifida go to those types of classes too. I had special P.E. classes too, because I could not do alot of the exercises or games the other kids did, but the teachers helped me to do things that I was able to do. I couldn't run around a track, but I could wheel myself around the track in my wheelchair. So, we would modify or change parts of an exercise so I could do it while in my wheelchair. I did finish High School and now I live with my parents out in the country. We made changes to our house to make it easier for me to do daily chores. For example, we took out the bathtub in my bathroom. We made a large shower area and I have a special wheelchair to use in the shower. I roll into the shower in my shower wheelchair and I don't have to step into a tub. We made the doorways larger so that I can push myself thru the doors in my wheelchair. We put some drinking glasses in a lower cabinet so that I can reach them by myself and things I use in lower sections in the refigerator. I have a special seat in my car that moves outside of the car and lowers down so that I can transfer, or move myself, over from my wheelchair into the carseat. Then I push a button that makes the carseat move up and back into the car. That keeps my Mom or Dad from having to lift me in or out of the car. I call it my "Princess Ride" .
So all in all, I have a pretty sweet life and I am enjoying life. I just tried to give a simplified description of Spina Bifida, its causes and its effect in my life. As with any other condition, there are many other variations or complications from this form of birth defect. Everyone is different . My relative was born with Spina Bifida about 13-15 years before me and you can't tell she has Spina Bifida. She walks and does things like any other person. She even had 3 children!! None of them have Spina Bifida, but they could be carrying the defective gene that causes Spina Bifida in the first place. So, when they begin their families, they will need to be watched carefully. Medical technology has come so far since I was born that they should have many advantages now and can do alot of things to lessen the damage that can be caused by Spina Bifida. If anyone has any questions, feel free to contact me and I will try to answer them.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sad / Funny Stuff
Hello Ya'll ,
It's your "Ole Pal , Randee" here. I just thought I'd come and let you guys and gals know that "Apollo" Our Beloved Great Pyreneese Dog & Daphne's Brother, Has now earned his "Doggie Wings". It's been since at least a full month since we've seen him. And "Badger" ( Or as we call him )"Badger Butt" WHY , I have NO CLUE!!! We just do. "Apollo's Adopted Little Brother went to see his "Girlfriends" that are probably ready to have another litter of Puppies down the road from us and has apparently decided to make him a home down there. So, we are now down to 2 cats and 2 Bulls !!
It's your "Ole Pal , Randee" here. I just thought I'd come and let you guys and gals know that "Apollo" Our Beloved Great Pyreneese Dog & Daphne's Brother, Has now earned his "Doggie Wings". It's been since at least a full month since we've seen him. And "Badger" ( Or as we call him )"Badger Butt" WHY , I have NO CLUE!!! We just do. "Apollo's Adopted Little Brother went to see his "Girlfriends" that are probably ready to have another litter of Puppies down the road from us and has apparently decided to make him a home down there. So, we are now down to 2 cats and 2 Bulls !!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Famous People
I got this idea from reading my sweet friend, Kelly 's blog , "Kelly's Korner". That I read this afternoon. Man, my list of celebrities that I've met could go on and on for Days and maybe yrs. But , here's a few I can think of right off the bat.
1.) Scott Samms ( Former WFAA Ch. 8 Weather Man / Now he's with Ch. 11 News Man
2.) Troy Aikman (1 time)
3.) 2 Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders ( both 1 time)
4.) Naomi Judd (1 time)
5.) Wynonna Judd (2 times)
6.) Ricochet (5/6 times)
7.) Keith Urban (1 time)
8.) The Dixie Chicks (1 times)
9.) The Wilkinsons (2 times)
10.) Lila McCann (2 times)
11.) Mila Mason (1 time)
12.) Black Hawk (1 time)
13.) Tanya Tucker (1 time)
14.) Janie Frickie (1 time)
15.) Lee Ann Womack (1 time)
16.) LeAnn Rimes (2 times)
17.) Bryan White (2 times)
18.) Bill Engvall (2 times)
19.) Montgomery Gentry (1time)
20.) Rushlow (1 time)
21.) Regina Regina (1 time)
22.) Billy Ray Cyrus (2 times)
23.) Sara Evans (1time)
24.) Billy Currington (1 time)
25.) Gary Chapman (1 time)
26.) Marty Stuart (1time)
27.) Ricky Skaggs ( 1time)
28.) Mark Chestnutt ( Ok, It was only over the phone ... Does that count as meeting him??) I went to High School with his Cousin's Daughter)
And so on and on! Do ya'll see a trend here? I love really LOVE Country Music
Heres a list of Famous people I wish to meet
1.) Sugarland
2.) Nicole Kidman
3.) Pam Tillis
4.) Paula Deene
5.) Paula Abdul
6.) Randy Jackson
7.) Ellen DeGeneres
8.) Kara DioGuardi
9.) Simon Cowell (Guess I'll have to plan a trip some how to England for this one now)
11.) Richie Sambora ( Maybe on a Solo Tour here in TX)
12.) Gerard Butler ( "P.S. I Love You" , "The Ugly Truth", " Law Abiden Citzen" , "HUNKA HUNKA IRISH LOVE!" ( Oh , Did I just say that OUT LOUD??? Sorry Gerry, In case he or his Managment or who ever finds this post that knows him! I can't help it! )Ok the last one was just a comment from me NOT a move he's been in!)
13.) Dolly Parton
14.) Carrie Underwood
15.) Kellie Pickler
16.) Julianne Hough
If I think of anymore I may come and add more to both lists
1.) Scott Samms ( Former WFAA Ch. 8 Weather Man / Now he's with Ch. 11 News Man
2.) Troy Aikman (1 time)
3.) 2 Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders ( both 1 time)
4.) Naomi Judd (1 time)
5.) Wynonna Judd (2 times)
6.) Ricochet (5/6 times)
7.) Keith Urban (1 time)
8.) The Dixie Chicks (1 times)
9.) The Wilkinsons (2 times)
10.) Lila McCann (2 times)
11.) Mila Mason (1 time)
12.) Black Hawk (1 time)
13.) Tanya Tucker (1 time)
14.) Janie Frickie (1 time)
15.) Lee Ann Womack (1 time)
16.) LeAnn Rimes (2 times)
17.) Bryan White (2 times)
18.) Bill Engvall (2 times)
19.) Montgomery Gentry (1time)
20.) Rushlow (1 time)
21.) Regina Regina (1 time)
22.) Billy Ray Cyrus (2 times)
23.) Sara Evans (1time)
24.) Billy Currington (1 time)
25.) Gary Chapman (1 time)
26.) Marty Stuart (1time)
27.) Ricky Skaggs ( 1time)
28.) Mark Chestnutt ( Ok, It was only over the phone ... Does that count as meeting him??) I went to High School with his Cousin's Daughter)
And so on and on! Do ya'll see a trend here? I love really LOVE Country Music
Heres a list of Famous people I wish to meet
1.) Sugarland
2.) Nicole Kidman
3.) Pam Tillis
4.) Paula Deene
5.) Paula Abdul
6.) Randy Jackson
7.) Ellen DeGeneres
8.) Kara DioGuardi
9.) Simon Cowell (Guess I'll have to plan a trip some how to England for this one now)
11.) Richie Sambora ( Maybe on a Solo Tour here in TX)
12.) Gerard Butler ( "P.S. I Love You" , "The Ugly Truth", " Law Abiden Citzen" , "HUNKA HUNKA IRISH LOVE!" ( Oh , Did I just say that OUT LOUD??? Sorry Gerry, In case he or his Managment or who ever finds this post that knows him! I can't help it! )Ok the last one was just a comment from me NOT a move he's been in!)
13.) Dolly Parton
14.) Carrie Underwood
15.) Kellie Pickler
16.) Julianne Hough
If I think of anymore I may come and add more to both lists
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Hey Ya'll ,
As of this passed Sunday , Feb. 7 , 2010 it's been 1 year since Daphne got hit and died. My family and I miss her like crazy. I tell ya'll their isn't a day that goes by that we all don't miss or think of her. It is surely lonely here with out her on guard of our house with Apollo all day and night. She was a good watch dog. She was very loveable too. I miss her sweet and yet stinky Doggy Breath. She was my Baby Girl . But , I do know that she's not suffering or in any pain anymore. And , she's in a much better place now. And , I also know that the whole thing about her getting hit killed was just an accident that happend. But , like I've said over and over again. Yes , I do miss her. I mean we got her when she and Apollo were like 7 - 9 weeks old. They looked like 2 "Furry white little Snow Balls" . But , we are dong as best as we can . We love and miss you Baby Girl. Love , Randee
As of this passed Sunday , Feb. 7 , 2010 it's been 1 year since Daphne got hit and died. My family and I miss her like crazy. I tell ya'll their isn't a day that goes by that we all don't miss or think of her. It is surely lonely here with out her on guard of our house with Apollo all day and night. She was a good watch dog. She was very loveable too. I miss her sweet and yet stinky Doggy Breath. She was my Baby Girl . But , I do know that she's not suffering or in any pain anymore. And , she's in a much better place now. And , I also know that the whole thing about her getting hit killed was just an accident that happend. But , like I've said over and over again. Yes , I do miss her. I mean we got her when she and Apollo were like 7 - 9 weeks old. They looked like 2 "Furry white little Snow Balls" . But , we are dong as best as we can . We love and miss you Baby Girl. Love , Randee
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Winter Wonderland in TX
Monday, November 23, 2009
Another Update on My Uncle Don ~
Hello All ,
For those that don't know yet. My Mom's older Brother , Don Miller has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , My Dad is up at the Hospital with Don. But , All of course all of his Neices & Nephews affectionetly call him "Uncle Don". He has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , it has spread into his Lymph Nodes. Things are not improving. He's much weaker . His blood platelets count is very low so they are limited to treatments that would pose less threat of heavy bleeding. Looks like chemo / radiation etc. are no longer options and the best way to help him is to try to keep him as comfortable as possible. We are still requesting prayers for him and his family and trust God will do what is best for them. He is a gracious and loving father and we know that we can trust his Goodness and Mercy. Thank you to all who are praying for all of us. You give us strength when we have none of our own; You help give us courage to face our dissappointments ; And you give us love to sustain us. We are truly blessed. We'll update again as we learn more information.
Ya'll ,
I really thank you from the bottom of my heart. On behalf of The Miller Family. Thank you so much for coming here and reading all of my posts that I write. Some like this one , Maybe serious, And some others maybe strictly out of Pure BOREDOM!!!!! Or , I just feel like talking ...... Yeah , I know what ya'll are all thinking. " When , does Randee ever NOT feel like talking ??? . . . . Yeah , I know what your thinking . . . . Well, I love ya all to pieces.
Hey Ya'll ,
Dad just called us and told us some very grim news. As of earlier this afternoon. Uncle Don has been throwing up what Dad said look like Black stomache stuff. So, they are getting him all ready. Just in case. You know getting papers signed saying if he passed out or something and he stops breathing. Do not resesitate him. So , more than likely he will go on to his new home up in the clouds sometime tonight or in the morning if that! But, I really think it'll be sooner then they all think. I just have a gut feeling. So once again thanks to all of you for your continued Prayers. We all appreciate it a bunch. I think I speak on behalf of The Entire Miller Family. Love ya'll bunches. I just can't tell ya'll that enough. We'll get through this. It'll take some time. But , We will get through this. I told my Mom! oh about 30 0r so minutes ago or so . That , I think when Uncle Don does die. I think that the Angel that comes for him either tonight or tomorrow will more then likely be his Father , Owen Miller , who died 5 yrs. ago with Bladdar Cancer. For all that don't know . . . . Don is My Grandparents , Owen & Frances has 3 Wonderful ALL Grown up Kids. 1st came a Son, Who is so dear to my heart. He has a singing voice like a Angel! , Donald Eugene Miller , Then came # 2 My Beautiful & So very dear to my heart also , my Mother , Donna Elaine (Miller) McCaghren , Who also like her Brothers has a singing voice like a Angel! , # 3 is another wonderful Son , Uncle Gary Paul Miller. Who , is also so Dear to my heart. I just love them all to pieces.
Hey All ,
It's with great sadness & happiness in a away I guess that I've come here today to post that Don Eugene Miller is now free and Flying like an Angel! He passed away at 11:15 A . M . we all are of course sad that he's no longer here on this Beautiful Earth. But, we are so glad that he's no longer in pain or suffering. And He's with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ & also His Earthly Father that like I stated in one of the posts above , Died some where around 5 yrs. ago. But, neither one of them are hurting anymore. Thanks for all the Love and support that ya'll have shown to my family. We appreciate it. Love Always , Randee
For those that don't know yet. My Mom's older Brother , Don Miller has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , My Dad is up at the Hospital with Don. But , All of course all of his Neices & Nephews affectionetly call him "Uncle Don". He has been diagnosed with "Liver Cancer." But , it has spread into his Lymph Nodes. Things are not improving. He's much weaker . His blood platelets count is very low so they are limited to treatments that would pose less threat of heavy bleeding. Looks like chemo / radiation etc. are no longer options and the best way to help him is to try to keep him as comfortable as possible. We are still requesting prayers for him and his family and trust God will do what is best for them. He is a gracious and loving father and we know that we can trust his Goodness and Mercy. Thank you to all who are praying for all of us. You give us strength when we have none of our own; You help give us courage to face our dissappointments ; And you give us love to sustain us. We are truly blessed. We'll update again as we learn more information.
Ya'll ,
I really thank you from the bottom of my heart. On behalf of The Miller Family. Thank you so much for coming here and reading all of my posts that I write. Some like this one , Maybe serious, And some others maybe strictly out of Pure BOREDOM!!!!! Or , I just feel like talking ...... Yeah , I know what ya'll are all thinking. " When , does Randee ever NOT feel like talking ??? . . . . Yeah , I know what your thinking . . . . Well, I love ya all to pieces.
Hey Ya'll ,
Dad just called us and told us some very grim news. As of earlier this afternoon. Uncle Don has been throwing up what Dad said look like Black stomache stuff. So, they are getting him all ready. Just in case. You know getting papers signed saying if he passed out or something and he stops breathing. Do not resesitate him. So , more than likely he will go on to his new home up in the clouds sometime tonight or in the morning if that! But, I really think it'll be sooner then they all think. I just have a gut feeling. So once again thanks to all of you for your continued Prayers. We all appreciate it a bunch. I think I speak on behalf of The Entire Miller Family. Love ya'll bunches. I just can't tell ya'll that enough. We'll get through this. It'll take some time. But , We will get through this. I told my Mom! oh about 30 0r so minutes ago or so . That , I think when Uncle Don does die. I think that the Angel that comes for him either tonight or tomorrow will more then likely be his Father , Owen Miller , who died 5 yrs. ago with Bladdar Cancer. For all that don't know . . . . Don is My Grandparents , Owen & Frances has 3 Wonderful ALL Grown up Kids. 1st came a Son, Who is so dear to my heart. He has a singing voice like a Angel! , Donald Eugene Miller , Then came # 2 My Beautiful & So very dear to my heart also , my Mother , Donna Elaine (Miller) McCaghren , Who also like her Brothers has a singing voice like a Angel! , # 3 is another wonderful Son , Uncle Gary Paul Miller. Who , is also so Dear to my heart. I just love them all to pieces.
Hey All ,
It's with great sadness & happiness in a away I guess that I've come here today to post that Don Eugene Miller is now free and Flying like an Angel! He passed away at 11:15 A . M . we all are of course sad that he's no longer here on this Beautiful Earth. But, we are so glad that he's no longer in pain or suffering. And He's with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ & also His Earthly Father that like I stated in one of the posts above , Died some where around 5 yrs. ago. But, neither one of them are hurting anymore. Thanks for all the Love and support that ya'll have shown to my family. We appreciate it. Love Always , Randee
Friday, November 20, 2009
This is Our sweet Dog Apollo

Hello All, I wanted to take this time to introduce ya'll to my Family's Sweet Great Pyreneese Dog named "Apollo" , Seen in the photo above with My Dad , Apollo's Buddy other buddy other than "Daphne " , "Badger" , "Maggie" and all the other animals he's lived around since becoming Our Pet. He's the most Loveable " Big Teddy Bear " you'll ever see. He can be all up in your face begging for food or Loving or he can take down anything that tries to fight him. He 's been in 2 Fights that we know of. The 1st one. He was gone " Visiting" we'll say. And he was gone maybe not a full week. But he came back Covered in his Oponet's Blood! No cuts or anything on Apollo on that one. But , what ever he caught he fought it until it was DEAD! the 2nd time was just before Halloween of this yr. He was gone "visiting" again for 3 whole weeks this time. He came back , You guys , He looked like he'd not eatten or had anything to drink in a week or 2. And , also he got into a fight with what the Vet said might have been a Raccoon .... Well, The Raccoon took 2 big bites or scratches on either side of his nose. His left side had even punctured some of Apollo's Sinuses. But, He stayed over night and had repair surgery. And had 3 whole weeks in our Utility Room. To make sure he didn't scratch and rip out his sutures. And then 2 or 3 weeks ago he had more surgery so he CAN'T Impregnant every Female Dog in our area. But, now he's in a Huge Kennel out side my bedroom window. with "Badger" sleeping on the out side of the Kennel right by the door so he can keep his Uncle Company. Anyway. I just wanted to show you what My Pretty Boy looks like. I sure do love my Sweet Apollo
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Hi All,
I came here asking for all of you guys and gals . Even y'all that don't know me or him very well to please add my Uncle Don to your prayer lists. Today he was Diagnosed with the big one ..... CANCER! The thing that took the wonderful life of his Father 5 yrs. ago last month. But, now it's down in his Lymph nodes .... I know I probably didn't spell some words right. But, Hey I'm only human! I'm just scared for him , My Aunt , and Cousins. He means the world to all of us. And , it just scares me. Even though we've been through this 5 yrs. ago with my Grandpa. I love you all. Thanks for listening!
I came here asking for all of you guys and gals . Even y'all that don't know me or him very well to please add my Uncle Don to your prayer lists. Today he was Diagnosed with the big one ..... CANCER! The thing that took the wonderful life of his Father 5 yrs. ago last month. But, now it's down in his Lymph nodes .... I know I probably didn't spell some words right. But, Hey I'm only human! I'm just scared for him , My Aunt , and Cousins. He means the world to all of us. And , it just scares me. Even though we've been through this 5 yrs. ago with my Grandpa. I love you all. Thanks for listening!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Hello Everyone,
Long time no "Type" , I know! I've been M . I . A for quite a while now. I've just been around the house trying to spend more time with my family. Rather than stay on the computer all day like I used to do. Today is a very special day for a " Very Special Person" in my life. Today is my sweet & loving & sometimes Crazy ... (In a GOOD way of course!) Father 's Birthday. So , I want to say a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I will ALWAYS Love you! I promise! Here's to Many MORE Birthdays to come your way. I tell you, God blessed me with a very good and yet sometimes GOOFY Father. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. You make my like more fun to live. You make me laugh til I cry. Acidently and on perpose sometimes. But , I love you anyway. Thank You again for being my Dad. Love Always , " Your Baby Girl " - Randee
Long time no "Type" , I know! I've been M . I . A for quite a while now. I've just been around the house trying to spend more time with my family. Rather than stay on the computer all day like I used to do. Today is a very special day for a " Very Special Person" in my life. Today is my sweet & loving & sometimes Crazy ... (In a GOOD way of course!) Father 's Birthday. So , I want to say a very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY DADDY! I will ALWAYS Love you! I promise! Here's to Many MORE Birthdays to come your way. I tell you, God blessed me with a very good and yet sometimes GOOFY Father. But, I wouldn't have it any other way. You make my like more fun to live. You make me laugh til I cry. Acidently and on perpose sometimes. But , I love you anyway. Thank You again for being my Dad. Love Always , " Your Baby Girl " - Randee
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Prayers for Baby Stellan
Hey Ya'll,
It's me once again! I'm here begging with all that I have to ask all of my friends and Bloggers to please help me and my family pray for a sweet friend of mine and her family. Who , has 4 VERY BEAUTIFUL children! With her Husband we'll refer to him as "Prince Charming"! All of the kids are under the age of 5 yrs. old. Their youngest Son , Who I'm going to refer to him as his nick name "MckMuffin" was born with a Heart Defect 8 Months ago, While in MckMama's Belly. Please, Pray for God and Jesus to either A.) Heal Baby "MckMuffin" ! - So that he can go home and be a Healthy and Happy Big Boy that we all know and love to pieces. Or B.) Let him peacefully & Painlessly go home to be in the arms of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Where he won't be suffering , Or No more dealing with SVT , No more I.V.'s! Just a Happy and Healthy Baby. We all Love you MckMama , Prince Charming , MckNugget , MckSmall Fry , And their oldest But, since I can't remember his "Nick Name" I will just refer to him as their 1st Born. And of course we can't forget MckMuffin himself! Anyway, I love you all! Thanks for your help! It's greatly appreciated by all of us! Have a nice week. Love Always , Randee
It's me once again! I'm here begging with all that I have to ask all of my friends and Bloggers to please help me and my family pray for a sweet friend of mine and her family. Who , has 4 VERY BEAUTIFUL children! With her Husband we'll refer to him as "Prince Charming"! All of the kids are under the age of 5 yrs. old. Their youngest Son , Who I'm going to refer to him as his nick name "MckMuffin" was born with a Heart Defect 8 Months ago, While in MckMama's Belly. Please, Pray for God and Jesus to either A.) Heal Baby "MckMuffin" ! - So that he can go home and be a Healthy and Happy Big Boy that we all know and love to pieces. Or B.) Let him peacefully & Painlessly go home to be in the arms of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Where he won't be suffering , Or No more dealing with SVT , No more I.V.'s! Just a Happy and Healthy Baby. We all Love you MckMama , Prince Charming , MckNugget , MckSmall Fry , And their oldest But, since I can't remember his "Nick Name" I will just refer to him as their 1st Born. And of course we can't forget MckMuffin himself! Anyway, I love you all! Thanks for your help! It's greatly appreciated by all of us! Have a nice week. Love Always , Randee
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